Thursday, April 30, 2009
Why do we devalue ourselves as women but expect men to value us?
Why is it that when some women want a "man" they are ok with someone they occasionally go out on dates with and frequently sleep with? Then they complain that they want more. It is much harder to turn THAT into a real relationship. ever heard the term " Why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free"?
Why is it that some women feel the NEED a man in order to feel validated? I find myself asking these questions to myself and realizing that I have come to the point where I have had a yearning for a man BUT never really thought it out, never really looked at what that man was going to contribute to my life, how was he going to better my life and if it was even possible for him to do so. After getting pass his looks what would i enjoy about him. While I am very selective and don't date a lot but i must admit when i do decide to date I don't really ask myself these questions I have made a decision to be by myself no dating, no man, no relationship physical or otherwise ( besides friends) for at least 3 months starting today. It was a hard decision to make since i was dating some one but i need to find ME.
I feel we as women need to know, cherish and love themselves before we embark on a relationship with a man. I always hear, why and i single, and i wish i had a man, and things of that nature but do we women ever really want to know the answers to those questions. Do we dig deep down inside to figure out the answers to all of our whys. Are we setting standards but allowing the men we deal with to fall below the standards because they are cute and/or their pipe game is good?
Right now i am looking for husband material, a man that will look at me in a way he never looks at anyone else. a man that can see my worth beyond my curves ( while they are limited they are still there,lol). Some Women put more into picking out an outfit then they do a man.
I have 3 projects that I am working on that i need to put all of my energy into and having this me time will help me do that. it will be my focus besides my son. Plus i graduate in may and i am beyond excited.
Wish me luck!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Couples i just don't understand
Ok so beyonjay has been going long and strong for a while BUT i dont get it. he is Uggggg. he must be a smooth talker with an big BLEEP.... i keep telling myself its more then the physical but like for real he is not attractive in the least, not even his ear,lol.
And then we have the brown Pillsbury dough boy and blondie. Im an just confused by them
She looks great
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
You see everything on the NYC subway
Then i get on another train and it was this guy who was venting at first about ppl being rude but then he ask if he could borrow 90 bucks from one of us, he then proceeds to tell us that he lives on the train and he is hiding from his wife. I'm telling you he cracked me up. Even though its illegal i give those who entertain me money. no more than a dollar but i think its worth it, they did entertain me.
I saw the biggie movie FINALLY!!!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I am a Vintage Whore
New word orrrrr expression or....
I need to either gain weight OR walk with heavy bags as my mom would say
My mom always calls me to make sure i'm OK when its windy out, i find it funny. she swears i will be taken away. My fear is I will get pushed into the street and hit by a car :-(. Me against the Wind... I have won thus far but it has been a hell of a
I find it entertaining, those who saw the pictures and posted them clearly saw us bowling and at a bowling alley, Its just funny how some turns the story to fit their own ideas,lol
Monday, April 20, 2009
A sad trend with black owned buisnesses
In NYC the restaurant Maroons has closed its doors. It saddens me because this was a great place to eat, very good food and cozy as well. I hope every supports our black owned establishments. Its a beautiful thing to support our people. I hope they will open up again soon!
Dear Maroons Customers,
With great regret we are sorry to inform you that due to the continuing downturn in the economy that Maroons Restaurant will be closing its doors. It has been our pleasure and honor to serve you over the past 10 years. Every customer was like family to us and we will miss you all very much. We thank you for your support and loyalty over the years and hope to see you again in the future.
Our final days of operation will be this Wednesday, January 28th, Thursday January 29th and Friday January 30th. (We will be closed Monday January 26th and Tuesday January 27th) Please join us as we celebrate 10 wonderful years!
Food, Family, Home-
Arlene Weston and Maroons Management
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Life after death
As we laid my uncle to rest and celebrated his life so many things were happening, I was reunited with family and i met family members that i never knew i had. It was such an bitter sweet experience but it made me realize i need to visit and see my family more often. Just because we are scattered all over the US doesn't mean we cant come together outside of death.
When what you are wearing is what someone else is wearing
This has never happened to me... I think i would be so pissed,lol. I mean i know there is no dress made for me and only me BUT man i would e upset. I have seen doubles in the club 4 and its kind of funny...
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Cheap -Vs- Inexpensive
Cheap cloths. If u wear something and it doesn't suit your body it will look cheap 9 times out of 10. Step one. check the material of the clothing, step 2 try it on and make sure your body type doesn't cheapen it... i know that sounds crazy but believe me it goes a long way. Step 3 (if possible) get an honest opinion. NOT from someone that has a hard time being honest but from someone that will be honest no matter what!
Inexpensive is something that doesn't cost much BUT can be rocked and no one else is the wiser. I am not a label Whore even though i have many labels. I like what i like, it doesn't matter how much it cost. I have a dress that cost 550 next to a dress that cost 40 bucks right next to each other and you cant not tell the difference. You dont have to spend a ton of money to look nice just take the time out to do so.
Oh and just because something is instyle doesnt mean it's for everyone. leggings NOT FOR EVERYONE... head bands NOT FOR EVERYONE ( im speaking of the Indian style ones) Belly shits NOT FOR EVERYONE. poffy skirts NOT FOR EVERYONE... Low rise jeans NOT FOR EVERYONE ( crack is wack). Dress for your body type and no one else. I am not one that goes with whats in i just like what I like. but some people try so hard and do such a bad job because they are trying to keep up with trends.
I went bowling last night!
I really needed it, i had to get out of the house, I couldn't stay in the bed all day again. I am so glad i went. There was bowling, wrestling, drinking, music, and all around fun....
The place was pretty cool, even though we got kicked out an hour before they were to close. The wrestling did them in. I didn't wrestle but i
The food was OK and the prices were great IMO
service-4- I think the waitress was nervous b/c there were a lot of us. too many blk ppl in one place.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Funny story
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Pink tea cup- Resturant
The place is very cozy and you can tell it has been there for a while. The decor is not much to wow about but the food makes up for it. the prices are great and the food was amazing. I would definitely go back. SO here is my review.
I just want to share
I am going to see a lot of my family within the coming weeks. What is so sad about it is i haven't seen most of them for 7 years. When my first cousin ( whom i called my uncle) My uncles son passed. I questioned why is it that I only see a lot of my family when death has rocked up. I made a promise to my self for that to end.
I strongly stress, when feeling ill, go to the doctor. My uncle had said to some that he wasn't feeling well for quite a while. That is why he went so fast. In the end i think he wanted to go soon instead of putting his sister ( my mom) and his children through watching him die. Please take care of you self, make sure your health is good.
Thanks for reading....
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
When the heel of your black shoes turn white... THROW THEM OUT
Ok thats all...
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
One of my no heat hair style techniques
Taking a woman to dinner= Sex?!?!?!?!? ( insert confused face here)
Why does a date= sex?
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Leaving your home looking presentable
Now of course this is not the first time i have seen this but it probed me to ask. Do people not care how they look in public. Yes these young ladies were children , but isn't that where it starts? As teenagers aren't they very conscious about what they are wearing and how they look? I am the first to admit, i dress down when i go to the local stores because I like to be left alone ( even though this does not work) BUT dressed down is totally different from dressing poorly. I always tell my son to make sure he is neat when he goes outside no matter where he is. No matter how much we may try to deny it appearance is important.
I think it is important to leave your house looking like your always going somewhere. My mom always told me you never know who you will bump into or when you will pass out (lol) so always look your best. To this day I try my best to look presentable.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Got a new layout
As big as New York is, it sure seems small.
It seems like everyone knows everyone,people i went to school with knows people i party with, people i hang out with knows people i grew up with. Its kind of spooky. I get emails and phone calls asking how do i know this person and where did i meet that person.
I'm glad that for the most part I have been a good girl. Some would say boring, I say cautious. I am rarely rude and always told I am " a nice girl" *insert devil smile here*. NOW that we have facebook and Myspace ( even though the hype of that is passing) the world can only get smaller. Sometimes I don't want to be known. I just want to be me, in my own little world, with a few of my friends. I have had people approach me in the street as well as in a club and say " hey i know you from..." isn't that scary?
Many aim to be "popular" i don't. I like to remain the girl that no one knows and no one knows about ( even thought this is partially true) i have a recognizable face but, very few TRULY know me. I try to be as private as possible because the more people know about you the easier they can hurt you
Sometimes i feel like New York is shrinking around me. I can't imagine living in a place smaller then New York. it has to be crazy.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Why leggings get such a bad name
13 dead in Binghamton New York
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Why is it so hard to date in New York?
It's like how can you live in a country of countless opportunity, the riches country in the world and NOT be rich, all things are possible. I agree New York is a melting pot of people. I call New York the "single capital of the world" jokingly. I can give a million reasons as to why i am single and point them all to the men and what they do wrong but i must look at myself first.
For the past year and some change I haven't been true and honest to myself. I allowed myself to settle and I didn't really value my worth. Something serious happened to me and it caused me to re-evaluate my life and even though i did i found myself falling right back into the same conformity as i did before. This hindered me from dating. something I hate (dating) so I saw nothing wrong with it, i was just fine ( at least i thought). I was comfortable with the "right now" instead of the future. I was thinking about instant gratification ( not sexual) instead of long term goals.
Yes i get approached often but does that mean i should take every man that approaches me name and number? I get approached everyday i leave my house, I am flattered but i know what I like, its rare that i find someone I am attracted to. When i do find someone I'm attracted to i have to look past the physical and get into much more important areas and that is when the fall flat.
My 3 year on and off relationship ended in turmoil, towards the end it was hard and brutal, he became bigger the us and i hung on for dear life. When it was over I wanted anything but a relationship, so i was comfortable with being "single". Now that I'm open to dating I look out at what's before. I realize that my standards are high, 1 reason ( the most important reason) is my child. whomever I bring into my life has to be a good person for my son also because at some point he has to meet him and they have to be apart of each others life.
The men I see are looking for "Friends" or they have very little things going on in their lives. Some are also very young. Other men i meet have commitment issues, or relationship issues.
New York is a place of glitz and glamor most people wants to" party like a rock star and screw like a porn star" commitment seems to be a thing of the past. With that being said I am sure HE is out there for me. HE may be right in front of my face. He may be in another state. HE may be in another country, but i know HE is out there. I'm patient :-)
Who is Michelle Obama?
Who is this force of nature that has captivated our lives within the last couple of months? Who is the rock who literally stands by her man? Who is this woman that humbles herself to let her husband shine?
I have never seen a first lady as i now see MY first lady. This woman that stands before me on the television clapping and clasping her hands together looks like that of many women in my family. Could this be? Is this true? At times I have to pinch myself to realize it's a reality. This woman who has the skin tone of my mom, the bone structure of my aunt and the curves of many of the women i know is indeed MY FIRST LADY, but what is behind that name?
Michelle Obama is not the typical house wife, she is not JUST the presidents wife, she is not JUST a mom. She has so much depth, so much achievement, so much to be proud of. Michelle Robinson was born January of 1964. She attended as well as graduated from two highly regarded schools, them being, Princeton University and Harvard Law. She is only the third first lady to graduate with a post graduated degree. Upon graduating Michelle Obama worked for a law firm in which she met he now husband our now President Barack Obama.
As her career continued Michelle Obama held public sector positions Assistant to the Mayor and as Assistant Commissioner of Planning and Development. Michelle Obama held many important meaningful positions subsequently which included but not limited to Associate Dean of Student Services at the University of Chicago.
In 2007 Michelle Obama made the choice to reduce her personal career responsibilities to help her husband make history. Michelle Obama then started to become a house hold name, she campaigned for her husband. Attended rallies, Gave powerhouse speeches. During this time she employed an all female staff.
Michelle Obama is our future.She is a strong, educated, eloquent, stylish, powerful African American women. She gives our little girls a role model they have so yearned for silently. She gives African American women hope that we too can achieve what she has if and when we set our minds to it. While we have had Oprah and Maya Angelou ( 2 women i look up to after my mom of course) we have never had some one quite like Michelle Obama. Her family portrait is the real live Huxtables, something many only knew as a fairy tale. While I am in awe of My president My First Lady is who I admire!